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A session for leaders who want to know more about Psychological Safety, and how it can improve performance, engagement and productivity.



Do you hear the words Psychological Safety and want to understand more? Are you a leader of a team or organisation and want to improve performance? Are your employees disengaged or not productive? Do talented people keep leaving your business?

Learn why Psychological Safety is critical to business success, including what it is and most importantly, how to help create a psychologically safe culture through your leadership style.

Attendees will gain:

- Insight into Psychological Safety & why it is important

- Techniques & tools on how to understand Psychological Safety which can be taken back to the workplace and used

- A free measure of Psychological Safety for each attendee

- Leadership development through an interactive workshop, with opportunity to meet like-minded leaders

  • Q&A session to help gain answers to your biggest leadership challenge today.



Any GM based business.


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