Everything you wanted to know about AI .....but were afraid to ask
This workshop is running on Thursday 30th January and Thursday 6th February - you only need to attend 1 session
This workshop is strictly for pre-start businesses - ie, people who have not yet started or registered a business. If you have already registered as a business, you can access our specialised support here. [https://www.enterprising-you.co.uk/about-enterprisingyou/grow-your-existing-business/]
In today's world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Businesses of all sizes are leveraging AI to save time and solve problems. But for those considering starting a business, understanding AI can be daunting.
Our brand-new half-day workshop is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about AI and how it can benefit your startup.
What You'll Learn:
· The role of AI in today's culture and its rapid adoption by businesses.
· Practical, hands-on skills to harness AI in your daily operations.
· How to craft tailored, high-quality responses that align with your business goals.
Why Attend?
· Gain a comprehensive understanding of AI.
· Discover how AI can help you start and run your business.
· Get a glimpse into the future of AI and its potential impact.
Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to be part of the AI revolution! This free workshop is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to launch a successful business in the modern age.
As this workshop is fully-funded, businesses are subject to funders' eligibility criteria. If your place is confirmed, you will receive an email from us with further details.
- This workshop is strictly for pre-start businesses - ie, people who have not yet started or registered a business. If you have already registered as a business, you can access our specialised support here. [https://www.enterprising-you.co.uk/about-enterprisingyou/grow-your-existing-business/]
- Greater Manchester Clients Only
- Over 18years of age
- Micro business, small and medium-sized enterprise, or large business.
- Please note this workshop is only eligible for clients who have not previously received any prestart support from the business growth hub in the last 2 years
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