Our GM business Growth Hub newsletters contain news about upcoming events and new programmes. They have interesting articles about our clients and articles from our colleagues about a whole variety of topics, but all relevant to you as a business in Greater Manchester.
You can subscribe the newsletters you want. You can unsubscribe too, but we feel that is unlikely!
Our recent newsletters include Growth Matters, People & Skills, and Innovation.
Growth Matters include the inspiring story of Fikayomi Agbola, whose journey with EnterprisingYou is bringing African fashion to the global stage. Her success story is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with passion, creativity, and the right support.
People & Skills includes info on the new iMentor, revolutionising mentoring across Greater Manchester! Also, news about upcoming workshops.
Innovation has the latest funding opportunities that close in September and in October the opportunity to apply for the next round of Innovate UK Smart Grants.
These just a few of the things you can find in our newsletters.
Subscribe to all or just the ones you want. It’s on your terms!
Here the links to most recent newsletters.
Growth Matters - August edition
People Newsletter - August edition
Innovation Newsletter - August edition
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