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World Wellbeing Week - 5 Steps to Wellbeing  

This week is World Wellbeing Week, running from the 24th – 30th June.  To mark this week our People team, covering Leadership, Skills and Social Impact will be talking about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing toolkit.  Research carried out by the New Economics Foundation found that there are 5 simple steps you can take to improve your wellbeing every day, they are: 

1. Connect 

2. Be Active 

3. Learn 

4. Take Notice 

5. Give 

Our Leadership, Skills and Social Impact programmes can help businesses to use these themes to not only improve the wellbeing of their workforce but to build people strategies and practices that transform their workplace culture – improving leadership capabilities, bringing the best out of the team, enhancing diversity, and creating positive social impact. 


Monday 24th June – Connect  

Our Mentoring Specialist Adele Cope shares the importance of connection through Mentoring. With our fantastic Mentoring programme, we’re matching like-minded individuals to create meaningful relationships that have a lasting impact. support services people - businessgrowthhub

Adele Cope (right)


Tuesday 25th June – Be Active 

Our Wellbeing Specialist Emma Connolly shares how staying active is good for both physical and mental health. Promoting the benefits of an active workforce, Emma showcases the upcoming webinar in collaboration with GM Moving to keep Greater Manchester active at work. Business Growth Hub | Small steps, Big Movement: Taking action on Wellbeing and creating an Active Workplace 

Emma Connolly


Wednesday 26th June – Learn  

Our Workforce Development Advisor Clare Davis shares the benefits of continued learning. As a great way to boost self-esteem, it is also a great tool for Mental Health. Clare encourages Greater Manchester’s businesses and individuals to visit the GM Skills Map to check out what fully funded courses are available for them. Home ( 

Clare Davis


Thursday 27th June – Take Notice  

Our Leadership Specialist Jo Lord reminds people to take notice and be present as a way to help you be aware of how you are feeling. With Leading Self featuring as the introductory workshop in the new Pure Leadership series, Jo shares the importance of focusing on Leading Self as a greater level of self awareness. Business Growth Hub | Inspiring Great Leadership across Greater Manchester with our Pure Leadership workshops 

Jo Lord


Friday 28th June – Give Back 

To complete the 5 steps to Wellbeing, our Social Value Specialist Paul Vicario, showcases how research into giving back can contribute towards improved wellbeing. Following on from Paul’s presentation along with his colleague Nadir Sultan at the Match – Power in Partnerships event, Paul signposts viewers to check out our Social Value workshops, we’re helping Greater Manchester to make a difference to their local community. support services people social-value-support - businessgrowthhub 

Paul Vicario  


To find out what our People team can do for you, save the date Wednesday 17th July 9:30am for our upcoming People Showcase webinar.  


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