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The UK manufacturing industry is often misunderstood, with many outdated perceptions still influencing people's views of the sector. In reality, manufacturing in the UK is evolving rapidly, driven by innovation, technology, and a skilled workforce. In this blog post, we aim to bust some of the most common myths surrounding UK manufacturing and shine a light on the actual state of the industry. 

Myth: Brexit has destroyed UK Manufacturing, and the sector is declining. 

  • Reality: While the sector has faced challenges, UK manufacturing remains resilient and vital to the economy. The UK is the eighth-largest manufacturing nation in the world, contributing a Gross Value Added of 224 billion and employing over 2.6 million people (Make UK report, 2023). The industry continues to thrive, with strong performance in aerospace, automotive, and pharmaceuticals. 

  • Reality: Although Brexit has posed challenges, UK manufacturers have shown resilience. Many have diversified their markets, reshored production, and focused on innovation to mitigate the impact of Brexit. The sector continues adapting and finding new opportunities in a post-Brexit world. 

Myth: Manufacturing is terrible for the environment and offers only low-skilled jobs. 

  • Reality: Sustainability is now a core focus for many UK manufacturers. The sector is adopting greener practices, reducing waste, and working towards carbon neutrality. Government initiatives like the Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy are further driving efforts to minimise the environmental impact of manufacturing. 

  • Reality: The image of manufacturing as low-skilled is outdated. Modern manufacturing requires a highly skilled workforce, especially with the integration of advanced technologies like robotics, AI, and automation. These roles demand technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and continuous learning to keep up with technological advancements. 

Myth: UK Manufacturing is only about heavy industry and mass production. 

  • Reality: UK manufacturing is far more diverse than just heavy industry. It spans food production, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, and high-tech industries like electronics and medical devices. The diversity within the industry is one of its key strengths, contributing to its resilience. 

  • Reality: The days of mass production dominating manufacturing are over. Today, many UK manufacturers are focused on bespoke production, customisation, and high-value, small-batch manufacturing. This flexibility allows them to meet changing customer demands and differentiate themselves in the market. 

Myth: Manufacturing is a dying, outdated industry resistant to change. 

  • Reality: UK manufacturing is far from dying. Instead, it is evolving to meet new challenges and opportunities. The sector is adapting to technological advancements and is focusing on high-value manufacturing to stay competitive on a global scale. 

  • Reality: UK manufacturing is at the forefront of digital transformation, with significant investments in smart factories, digital twins, and other Industry 4.0 technologies. The industry embraces change, focusing on agility, efficiency, and continuous improvement to stay competitive. 

  • Reality: The UK manufacturing industry is a dynamic and vital part of the economy, constantly evolving and adapting to meet new challenges. By busting these myths, we hope to provide a clearer picture of the sector’s strengths and potential. Whether you’re involved in the industry or just interested in its future, understanding the reality of UK manufacturing is key to appreciating its crucial role in the nation’s growth. 

If you’re a manufacturer looking to navigate the challenges of today’s industry, GM Business Growth Hub offers tailored support and expert advice. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help you drive innovation, boost efficiency, and stay ahead of the curve. 



Is it a myth, a misconception... or an excuse? - How making them is stunting your business growth

Whether “now’s not the time” or you “can do everything” yourself, ultimately, they all mean the same thing: they could hinder your success!   But in the decade or so that GM Business Growth Hub has been helping Greater Manchester businesses, we’ve heard them all. See how we can help you to succeed by debunking more myths and misconceptions.  

Business Growth Hub | Is it a myth, a misconception... or an excuse? - How making them is stunting your business growth

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