Ian Dixon is Head of Access to Finance (A2F), GM Business Growth Hub. The A2F team have collectively supported thousands of businesses across the city region to access the finance and support they need to grow.
Ian and the A2F team have had a lot of discussions with early-stage founders and have helped many of them with their first investment pitch decks. They often see founders struggling to understand a lack of interest in their pitchdeck. This may happen despite a company generating early revenue.
In many cases the issues are fundamental and not uncommon when early-stage founders do their first pitch deck. The issues are frequently linked to the failure to effectively communicate the scalability and defensibility potential of the business. Use these tips to help you with your deck and be successful in securing finance.
Specifically, pitch decks often lack -
1. A demonstrable ability to identify and importantly connect with prospective customers who have the problem solved by the product.
2. Any understanding of the motivation required by customers to overcome the switching costs (both direct and indirect) involved in trialling / committing to the product.
3. Validation of the business ability to deliver on promised value, both quickly and consistently.
4. Evidence of the ability to embed the product into users’ daily business or workflow to maximize value creation and minimize any problems.
5. Any reference to the product’s natural ability to attract additional customers through use and viral referencing.
6. Consideration of any inherent friction in the product, leading to eventually reduced churn rate.
7. No reflection on the effectiveness of the current competition to replicate the above and tempt users away.
If you are facing writing your first pitch desk or have had issues with how your pitch deck has been received, talk to us.
Early-stage GM founders can obtain impartial and independent feedback on their investment pitchdeck via the GM Business Growth Hub’s Access to Finance Service. We have brokered 115 funding offers, with £115,000,000 in total funding for businesses.
Get in touch here.
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