This week’s Volunteers Week (3rd – 9th June) is an annual celebration to acknowledge and thank the millions of people who contribute their time and skills to making a difference to charities, causes and local projects across the UK each year.
Volunteering and dedicating time to local Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations can be invaluable for both parties and can really support third sector organisations that aren’t rich in time or people power.
Greater Manchester organisations and individuals have the power to create social impact and social value by contributing resources on a one-off or regular commitment basis, that are required by the VCSE sector.
Smarter, thoughtful and effective services that have greater impact.
With types and styles of volunteering now extending across multiple areas, there's an increased drive for people to add greater value by applying their personal skills, knowledge and expertise to their volunteering solutions. Greater Manchester organisations and individuals have the power to create social impact and social value.
Digital Marketing – offering digital marketing experience to create or manage social media channels or assist with brand awareness and promotion
Design Skills - graphic design skills could offer that much needed creative flair to an event poster or local appeal, that would otherwise cost the charity and use valuable funds.
Event planning skills – organise local fundraising or networking events to raise the profile of the charity or cause.
IT Skills – assist with a CRM system or the development of an improved website.
Accountancy Skills - help with budgeting and management of funds
Reflect on real life experiences – offering personal experience of a real-life event can provide a case study, assist in research or a chance to do an inspirational talk for people in a similar position.
Benefits of Volunteering
It has benefits to the volunteers;
- It’s the right thing to do! Building connections with local communities and giving back to society
- Improved confidence, team work and communication within the workforce
- Improved staff motivation, productivity and sense of fulfilment
- Creativity and resilience in personal development (tackling societal issues)
- Supporting VCSEs to support the community
- Improved company image and win more contract opportunities
Benefits to the VCSE sector
It also benefits the VCSE organisation;
- Extra people power
- Enhanced expertise
- Partnership and relationship building with other organisations
- Potential for additional fundraising opportunities
“Like many VCSE organisations, we heavily rely on support from individuals and corporate partners to help us deliver our services to our customers – we would not be the organisation we are without the support of our volunteers - and the best part is after a day with us they say they have a greater awareness of the challenges communities face and just how good a day volunteering makes them feel!” Tracey, Cracking Good Food CIC

How to start your Volunteering journey
How can you get started?
- Reach out to your local volunteer centre (CVS)
- Talk to your staff. They might have knowledge of local good causes to get involved in
- Attend our Power in Partnerships MATCH event on 25th June and meet likeminded organisations and VCSE’s. Business Growth Hub | BGH Match - Manchester - Power in Partnerships
- Talk to the Growth Hub Social Impact Team - support services people social-value-support - businessgrowthhub
Get in touch
Please contact us at 0161 3593050 or query below.
Take that first step and we’ll support you with whatever you need to succeed.
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