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Be kind to yourself in Wellbeing Week 

As we get caught up in the challenges of daily life, it's easy to overlook the importance of wellbeing. In this fast-paced world, prioritising our mental, physical, and emotional health is a necessity. World Wellbeing Week serves as a reminder to pause and reflect on our approach to wellness. 

"Take some time out, be extra kind to yourself, reflect and take stock." - Rebecca Rennison, the We Are Power Podcast.  

So, what exactly is World Wellbeing Week and why is it important? This week aims to raise awareness of all areas of wellbeing, encompassing everything from work and financial stability to physical, mental, and emotional health. 

 Last year, this awareness week reached 58 million people across both social and traditional media, surpassing all previous records. This growth is due to the enthusiastic participation of thousands of individuals, organisations, charities, community groups, and governments worldwide. The global impact of World Well-Being Week highlights the growing recognition of the importance of wellbeing in our lives and it is clear that individuals and communities are actively seeking ways to enhance their overall wellbeing. 

With reports of low happiness levels on the rise, prioritising self-care practices is crucial. Whether it's mindfulness exercises, staying active, or creating meaningful connections, attending to our needs is vital. Embracing growth can also play a role in navigating life's challenges with resilience. If you're someone who struggles to find the time to practice self-care, World Wellbeing Week is the perfect opportunity to take time to do the things you enjoy and carve out some time to focus on yourself.  

‘Self-care isn’t selfish – you are never wrong for taking time to make yourself feel better’ - Alicia Collinson, a We Are Power webinar.  

Community plays a massive role in our wellbeing as building friendships and developing a sense of community can significantly enhance your quality of life. Nurturing these relationships can increase your sense of belonging and improve your self-confidence, whilst also providing a safe space and understanding. Loneliness and isolation can significantly affect our wellbeing and mental health, so having a strong support system in your community is essential. It’s also important that we are checking in and supporting our community when we have the capacity to do so. 

"If you know someone's reaching out who’s got mental health issues or just really struggling, just help them. Just go out there and say, listen, how can I help?” - Paul Sesay, the We Are Power podcast.  

Focusing on employee wellbeing is equally as critical as personal wellbeing, especially given the alarming rise in stress levels among workers. Reports from 2023 show that over 875,000 cases of work-related stress, depression, or anxiety have been reported. These issues accounted for nearly half of all work-related ill-health cases and over half of all working days lost due to ill-health. Proactive measures are essential in addressing these issues. Rather than waiting for crises to unfold, organisations should proactively implement strategies to promote mental health and provide support resources. Actions such as regular check-ins, access to counselling services, and flexible work arrangements can contribute to a healthier work environment.  

As we celebrate World Wellbeing Week, let's use this opportunity for positive change. Whether it's nurturing personal wellbeing or creating a supportive work culture, let's prioritise wellness not just during this week, but every day.  

Happy World Wellbeing Week 


You can find more information on our Wellbeing service and on our upcoming Wellbeing Workshops with Emma, here: support services people wellbeing - businessgrowthhub

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